Napped most of the afternoon. Felt a headachey buzz coming on and laid down, next thing I know Iapos;m having some weird dream about watching TV and choking, and wake up feeling not much better.
The dream:
I was in a strange house that I did not recognize, and I was watching something on the TV, some kind of documentary, but now I canapos;t remember what it was about, other than that it was political in nature and contemporary in subject. The channels changed and I couldnapos;t figure out how to get back to the show. I was doing push-ups with some big furry kind of shirt tied in a knot around my neck, and then I started choking on hair in my mouth and my mouth filled with water and I tried not to spit it out until I got to a sink, but mostly it sprayed out of my mouth while the hair stuck in my mouth kept triggering my gag relfex.
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